Currently we are offering services within the city of Austin specifically at addresses within the following Zip Codes: 78701, 78702 78703, 78704, 78705, 78712, 78721 78722, 78723, 78731, 78741, 78746, 78751, 78752, 78756, 78757.
If you are over 18, not currently pregnant or breastfeeding, do not have a Neuromuscular disorder, and are not immunocompromised, yes you can get botox!
Once you are ready for treatment, try to avoid NSAID (ibuprofen, Advil, Naproxen) or aspirin medication within 24 hours of treatment unless prescribed by your provider.
*If you have young children or large pets that will be around during your treatment, they are welcome to be around during the consultation and discussion, however since we are handling sharps, we will ask for some uninterrupted time during the treatment administration
Since we recommend remaining upright/no laying down for 4 hours post treatment, try not to schedule within 4 hours of your bedtime. We ask that you avoid pressing the treated area until the product is fully absorbed, meaning no facials or firm pressure with facial rollers for about 2 weeks after treatment. No exercise for 24 hours post treatment.
We evaluate at 2 weeks for any touch-ups or adjustments. Costs are determined on an individual basis.
When your friends want to get treated, simply have them share your name when they are being treated and we will credit your account with 50$ per referral.
Consultations are free, however there is a 50$ cancellation fee if rescheduled or cancelled within 48 hours of the scheduled appointment. Cancellations within 48 hours of Treatment appointments will be charged a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations for treatments within 24 hours will be charged at full price.